IEP Support

finger painting girl

An IEP - or Individualized Education Plan - is the document created by a student's educational team, which includes parents! This documents "prescribes" special education services a student receives at school. There is a legal process that governs the creation of an IEP and it can seem overwhelming. I am here to help! For more than 20 years, I have worked on IEP teams with countless families. Time and time again, parents have expressed their appreciation for the ease they felt in working together, freely voicing their questions, expressing their hopes and giving their input. I offer IEP support to help you feel confident in any part of your child's IEP process. From reading over documents, interpreting test results and even attending meetings with you, I am here to help. Let's partner with your child's school to make this process feel better and get the end result everyone is hoping for - your student's growth and success!

IEP Support: $125/ hour

(504 Plan support also available.)